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  • Stanford WC, Mucha PJ & Dayan E. Redundancy protects processing speed in healthy individuals with accelerated brain aging. bioRxiv/2024/603314 [Full Text]


  • Dayan E (2024). Neuropathologic processes linked to brain network resilience in Parkinson disease: local or distributed effects? Neurology, 103:e209731 [Full Text]
  • Graves LV, Diaz MM & Dayan E (2024). Impact of white matter hyperintensity volume on cognition among U.S. Mexican American adults. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 26:1-9 [Full Text]
  • Duppen CP, Sachdeva N, Wrona H, Dayan E, Browner N & Lewek MD (2024 EPub). Blending motor learning approaches for short-term adjustments to gait in people with Parkinson disease. Experimental Brain Research [Full Text]
  • Stanford WC, Mucha PJ & Dayan E (2024). Age-related changes in network controllability are mitigated by redundancy in large-scale brain networks. Communications Biology, 7:701 [Full Text]
  • Robinson B, Bhamidi S & Dayan E (in press). The spatial distribution of coupling between tau and neurodegeneration in amyloid-β positive mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiology of Aging [Full Text]


  • Kozak S, Dezachyo O, Stanford W, Bar-Haim Y, Censor N & Dayan E (2023). Elevated integration within the reward network underlies vulnerability to distress. Cerebral Cortex, 33(10): 5797-5807 [Full Text]
  • Duppen CP, Wrona H, Dayan E & Lewek MD (2023 EPub). Evidence of implicit and explicit motor learning during gait training with distorted rhythmic auditory cues. Journal of Motor Behavior [Full Text]


  • Stanford WC, Mucha PJ & Dayan E (2022). A robust core architecture of functional brain networks supports topological resilience and cognitive performance in middle- and old-aged adults. PNAS, 119 (44) e220368211 [Full Text]
  • Kwak K, Stanford WC & Dayan E (2022 EPub). Identifying the regional substrates predictive of Alzheimer’s disease progression through a convolutional neural network model and occlusion. Human Brain Mapping [Full Text]
  • Nasr K, Haslacher D, Dayan E, Censor N, Cohen LG & Soekadar SR (in press). Breaking the boundaries of interacting with the human brain using adaptive closed-loop stimulation. Progress in Neurobiology. [Full Text]
  • Kozak S, Dezachyo O, Stanford W, Bar-Haim Y, Censor N & Dayan E (2022 EPub). Elevated integration within the reward network underlies vulnerability to distress. Cerebral Cortex, bhac460 [Full Text]
  • Sadiq MU, Kwak K & Dayan E (2022). Model-based stratification of progression along the Alzheimer disease continuum highlights the centrality of biomarker synergies. Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy, 14:16 [Full Text]
  • Kwak K, Niethammer M, Giovanello KS, Styner M & Dayan E (2022). Differential role for hippocampal subfields in Alzheimer’s disease progression revealed with deep learning. Cerebral Cortex, 32(3):467-478  [Full Text]
  • Sklerov M, Browner M, Dayan E, Rubinow D & Frohlich F (2022 EPub). Autonomic and Depression Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease: Clinical Evidence for Overlapping Physiology. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, DOI: 10.3233/JPD-213075 [Full Text]


  • Kwak K, Giovanello KS, Bozoki A, Styner M & Dayan E (2021). Subtyping of mild cognitive impairment using a deep learning model based on brain atrophy patterns. Cell Reports Medicine, 2, 100467 [Full Text] [Spotlight]
  • Langella S, Mucha PJ, Giovanello KG & Dayan E (2021). The association between hippocampal volume and memory in pathological aging is mediated by functional redundancy. Neurobiology of Aging,108:179-188 [Full Text]
  • Cascone AD, Langella S, Sklerov M & Dayan E (2021). Frontoparietal network resilience is associated with protection against cognitive decline in Parkinson’s disease. Communications Biology, 4, 1021 [Full Text]
  • Dayan E & Sklerov M (2021). Autonomic disorders in Parkinson disease: Disrupted hypothalamic connectivity as revealed from resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging [Chapter 14]. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 182, 211-222 [Full Text]
  • Dezachio O, Kozak S, Bar-Haim Y, Censor N & Dayan E (2021 EPub). Intrinsic functional connectivity of the anterior cingulate cortex is associated with tolerance to distress. eNeuro. ENEURO.0277-21.2021.[Full Text]
  • Johnson B, Dayan E, Censor N & Cohen LG (2021 EPub). Crowdsourcing in cognitive and systems neuroscience. The Neuroscientist. [Full Text]
  • Sadiq MS, Langella S, Giovanello KG, Mucha PJ & Dayan E (2021). Accrual of functional redundancy along the lifespan and its effects on cognition. NeuroImage, 229 (1), 117737 [Full Text]
  • Langella S, Sadiq MS, Mucha PJ, Giovanello KG & Dayan E (2021). Lower functional hippocampal redundancy in mild cognitive impairment. Translational Psychiatry. 11:61 [Full Text]


  • Sklerov M, Shih C, Browner N, Palma JA, Styner M & Dayan E (2020 EPub). Longitudinal change in autonomic symptoms predicts activities of daily living and depression in Parkinson’s disease. Clinical Autonomic Research [Full Text]
  • Herszage J, Dayan E. Sharon H & Censor N. Explaining Individual Differences in Motor Behavior by Intrinsic Functional Connectivity and Corticospinal Excitability. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14,1-8 [Full Text]


  • Shih CH, Moore K, Browner N, Sklerov M & Dayan E (2019). Physical activity mediates the association between striatal dopamine transporter availability and cognition in Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 62, 68-72 [Full Text]
  • Sklerov M, Dayan E & Browner N (2019). Functional neuroimaging of the central autonomic network: recent developments and clinical implications. Clinical Autonomic Research, 29(6):555-566 [Full Text]


  • Dayan E, Lopez-Alonso V, Liew SL & Cohen LG (2018). Distributed cortical structural properties contribute to motor cortical excitability and inhibition. Brain Structure and Function, 223(8):3801-3812 [Full Text]
  • Dayan E, Herszage J, Laor Maayany R, Sharon H & Censor N (2018). Neuromodulation of reinforced skill learning reveals the causal function of prefrontal cortex. Human Brain Mapping, 39(12):4724-4732 [Full Text]
  • Dayan E, Barliya A, de Gelder B, Hendler T, Malach R & Flash T (2018). Motion cues modulate responses to emotion in movies. Scientific Reports, 8:10881 [Full Text]
  • Dayan E, Sklerov M & Browner N. (2018). Disrupted hypothalamic functional connectivity in patients with PD and autonomic dysfunction. Neurology, 90 (23),  [Full Text] [Editorial]


  • Stark-Inbar A & Dayan E (2017). Preferential encoding of movement amplitude and speed in the primary motor cortex and cerebellum. Human Brain Mapping, 38(12), 5970–5986 [Full Text] [Cover]
  • Dayan E & Browner N. Alterations in striato-thalamo-pallidal intrinsic functional connectivity as a prodrome of Parkinson’s disease (2017). Neuroimage: Clinical, 16, 313-318 [Full Text]
  • Yang DY, Sukhodolsky DG, Lei J, Dayan E, Pelphrey KA & Ventola P (2017). Distinct neural bases of disruptive behavior and autism symptom severity in boys with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 9:1 [Full text]


  • Yang DY, Pelphrey KA, Sukhodolsky DG, Crowley MJ, Dayan E, Dvornek N, Venkataraman A, Duncan J, Staib L & Ventola P (2016). Brain responses to biological motion predict treatment outcome in young children with autism. Translational Psychiatry, 6, e948 [Full Text]
  • Dayan E, Thompson RM, Buch ER & Cohen LG (2016). 3D-printed head models for navigated non-invasive brain stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 127(10):3341-3342 [Full Text]
  • Dayan E, Laor-Maayany R & Censor N (2016). Reward disrupts reactivated human skill memory. Scientific Reports, 6:28270 [Full Text]
  • Dayan E, Sella I, Mukovskiy A, Douek Y, Giese MA, Malach R & Flash T (2016). The default mode network differentiates biological from non-biological motion. Cerebral Cortex, 26(1), 234-245 [Full Text]


  • Song S, Gotts SJ, Dayan E & Cohen LG (2015). Practice Structure Improves Unconscious transitional memories by increasing synchrony in a premotor network. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(8), 1503-12 [Full Text]

  • Meirovitch Y, Harris H, Dayan E, Arieli A & Flash T (2015). Alpha and beta band event-related desynchronization reflects kinematic regularities. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(4), 1627-1637 [Full Text]


  • Dayan E, Hamann JM, Averbeck BB & Cohen LG (2014). Brain structural substrates of reward dependence during behavioral performance. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(49), 16433-16441 [Full Text]

  • Hamann JM, Dayan E, Hummel FC & Cohen LG (2014). Baseline frontostriatal-limbic connectivity predicts reward-based memory formation. Human Brain Mapping, 35 (12), 5921–5931 [Full Text]

  • Dayan E, Averbeck BB, Richmond BJ & Cohen LG (2014). Stochastic reinforcement benefits skill acquisition. Learning & Memory, 21, 140-142 [Full Text]

  • Censor N, Dayan E, & Cohen LG (2014). Cortico-subcortical neuronal circuitry associated with reconsolidation of human procedural memories. Cortex, 58:281-8 [Full Text]


  • Dayan E, Censor N, Buch ER, Sandrini M & Cohen LG (2013). Non-invasive brain stimulation: from physiology to network dynamics and back. Nature Neuroscience, 16 (7), 838-844 [Full Text]


  • Dayan E, Inzelberg R, & Flash T (2012). Altered perceptual sensitivity to kinematic invariants in Parkinson’s disease. PLOS ONE, 7(2), e30369 [Full Text]


  • Dayan E & Cohen LG (2011). Neuroplasticity subserving motor skill learning. Neuron, 72(3), 443-454 [Full Text]

2010 and earlier

  • Casile A, Dayan E, Caggiano V, Hendler T, Flash T, & Giese MA (2010). Neuronal encoding of motor invariants during visual perception of human movements. Cerebral Cortex, 20(7), 1647-55 [Full Text]

  • Dayan E, Casile A, Levit-Binun N, Giese MA, Hendler T, & Flash T (2007). Neural representations of kinematic laws of motion: Evidence for action-perception coupling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 104(51), 20582-20587 [Full Text]